We Pray this site helps guide you in your relationship with god

Spend Time Studying The Word

The Word of God is Jesus (John 1:14). The way for us to get to know God is through Jesus (John 14:10). The Bible are the anointed words written by man because of the Spirit of the Lord resting upon them. God gave you 24 hours, is it too much to give him at least 30 minutes studying Him?

“Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.” 

Charles Spurgeon


In heaven praise and worship is continually being given up to the Lord (Revelations 4:8). You might as well get started now!! What is your favourite methods of worship?

“Isn’t it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exaggerate” 

Francis Chan

Spend Time In The Secret Place

Every day we should be checking in with The Lord. Are we walking on the narrow path that appears wrong to man but is right to The Lord? Are we building relationship with Jesus? On of the best things to do is to spend the first portion of your day in quiet devotional time with Him. When you wake up you have been gifted 24 hours, why not give Him back the “first fruits” of your day?

ways to get closer to the lord

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What Wage Have You Paid?

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23  Today I want to address to topic of baptisms by contextualising Romans 6:23. I’m sure most of you have just read that and thought ‘what on earth does that [...]

Stepping Onto Water In Spite Of A Storm

Our New Chapter Begins As I am writing this, it has been three weeks since stepping into the new chapter of our walk with Christ. I will start by adding, that it certainly has not been an easy yoke or burden to carry. However, upon reflection we can see that [...]

Why Are People Not Consistently Healed?

I’ve been asked God to teach me more and specifically to give me wisdom to understand healing. I don’t mean to understand ‘how to heal people’ as so many Christians seem to pursue. I’ve been petitioning with God to help me understand why sometimes we pray, and we see people [...]

The Lord Adonai – Who is your lord?

Today I am inspired to touch on the topic of the Lord Adonai (for those of you that do not know Adonai is a Hebrew work for God, specifically the lordship aspect of God). The Hebrew people have many names for God, with each name helping highlight a characteristic of [...]

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