Since we were born again in September 2020, Eloy and I went through a series of events found ourselves clashing and often being hurt by those in the church, by our employees and colleagues, by our friends, by our family, and even between ourselves. I’m certain we also unintentionally hurt others as well. These series of events finally came to a head on 9th April 2020 when Eloy and I ended up in a rather large argument over everything and nothing…quarantine certainly got the better of us. Aware that our battles are not in the flesh but against principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12), we sought God individually and pushed in to Him until we heard from Him and began to understand what God was trying to work out in our lives to communicate a larger scale message to His Body. God spoke to me heavily that day and the Spirit wrote through me a revelational message that was to be delivered firstly to my husband, secondly to our family, thirdly to our friends, fourthly to our employees and colleagues, and lastly to the Church. Amidst writing the letter, the Spirit made me very aware that it was not to be addressed directly to my husband as it was intended to go beyond our relationship. The letter is to be read by every brother and sister as a prophetic word from God over their own lives, to bring reflection upon their own relationships with those around them, and to bring understanding of where to start unification within their own lives. More than this, this letter is to also be read to as a prophetic word for those who have been wounded by other members of the Body of Christ who should have represented Jesus better with their words and actions toward you.
We pray that as you read the message you do so with an open heart to hear God’s voice.
“It is with a heavy yet humbled heart I write these words; I am sorry. I’m sorry for every time we actions or words have wounded you. I am even more sorry for every time my thoughts have wounded you; wounded our unity. I’m sorry for every time I put being right above being love. I’m sorry for every time I allowed my emotions to precent me from doing what was right. I’m sorry for every time pride stood between us. I’m sorry for ever allowing a culture of ‘but I did more’ to infiltrate our lives. I’m sorry for every time I criticised instead of standing as the change in this relationship, and even more so in this world. I’m sorry if I’ve treated you unfairly, unequally; if I’ve set unrealistic expectations of you and then torn you down for not meeting them. My love, I am sorry if I have failed you as your bride. I’m sorry I did not encourage you and build you up more. I am sorry for my lack of zeal and jealousy at times. I’m sorry for not standing at your side, as your support.
I feel grieved in my Spirit, beyond what I can adequately express. I get it now, but I am sorry it took me so long to see and perceive. I thank God for bearing with our hard headedness at times.
Jesus wants His bride. He wants one bride. On beautifully, unified, glorious, bride. We have been sensing the spiritual yearning for unity of Gods people, and yet we missed it. We got it, but we missed it.
How can the bride of Christ, the churches, unify with so much division even within the individual churches themselves?
Yes, Jesus wants the churches to unify, but He wants the husband and wives, the families, the friends, the co-workers to first unify. Don’t you see it? See what God has been working out in our lives? How can we pray and seek unity in the bride when we cannot even find unity in our marriage, in our community?
God wants us. All of us, unified. He wants to use us in a mighty way, that in our hard headedness we missed.
We need to stop demanding unity in the Body of Christ and become the unity. We need to be the living expression of God’s unity. We need to have an abundance of grace, and compassion, and gentleness with each other but also with our brothers and sisters. We need to be able to rebound offences and disagreements and difference like are are at a Wimbledon match. We need to be a walking manifestation of love. It is not the demand to change, to unify, that will bring the body of Christ together. It is, always has been, and always will be; Love. God is calling us.
That’s a hard call indeed. A beautiful one but a hard one that requires much pain and sacrifice as Jesus himself went through. We never know how much we hurt Him and how much he loved us through it all, till he puts us through the very same thing.