“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
Whenever I read this verse, preach on it or hear about it from others, the focus tends to be on ‘DO the good things He planned for us long ago’… in other words, what we are called to do. But the word which leaps off the page at me today is ‘masterpiece’…
Masterpiece, magnum opus (Latin, great work) or chef-d’œuvre (French, master of work, plural chefs-d’œuvre) in modern use it is a creation that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person’s career or to a work of outstanding creativity, skill, profundity, or workmanship. Historically, a “masterpiece” was a work of a very high standard produced to obtain membership of a guild or academy in various areas of the visual arts and crafts. Think Michelangelo’s ‘The Creation of Adam’ and the Sistine Chapel ceiling, or Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and you get the picture (sorry, no pun intended!).
Break it down: Master Piece… His greatest work of all. Of course, in Genesis we know that He created Adam and Eve last, as the final work, to complete Paradise… and He gave us humans the highest place in the garden. But here’s the difference between God and the grand masters… the difference between us and their greatest accomplishments: each and every one of us, as His chosen people, is uniquely and specifically God’s masterpiece… no favoritism… no competition for who is best… no comparisons in God’s eyes… no assessments and measurements and worldly value attached… rather pure love for each and every one of us, each one of us valued with the same pure love, with no strings attached. Even if we fail at the works which God has set before us, He still loves us unconditionally as His Masterpiece… each one of us is just as important to Him, uniquely designed however large or small, rich or poor, whatever our colour, culture and background… no price tags attached, no worldly hierarchy of importance.
Each one of us a masterpiece, forming part of a whole, the supreme collection of all… His chosen people, loved and created to take His love and share it with others. And each of us uniquely placed to ensure that the grand plan is fulfilled.
When we visited the Louvre in Paris, or even the smaller Louvre in Abu Dhabi, it was impossible to take it all in… but within the individual rooms, pieces stood out which drew us in… and as a family it was interesting to note that each one of us was drawn to different works. So, too, God has created us, in His image as an extension of His character and being, each uniquely designed as a masterpiece to catch the attention of some of those with whom we come into contact. We won’t catch the attention of everyone… many will pass us by… but what matters is the impact we have on those who do notice us…
Whenever we have visited art galleries, it is what the world may regard as ‘lesser works’ which have stood out… in the Louvre in Paris, for example, whilst everyone crowds around Mona Lisa, it is Paolo Veronese’s The Wedding at Cana, in which Jesus performs his first miracle by turning water into wine, which stands out as fabulous art: to my eyes, anyway, it is more impressive. And that is why you are a Masterpiece… you and I, each uniquely crafted as an individual masterpiece: we are equally valued in God’s eyes but also valuable to others in that God has set us apart in carefully planned rooms in His overall house, to be eye catching to some of those around us, so that His salvation plan can be carried out. Whilst we may find ourselves in a room where others seem more popular, more important, more valued by the majority of the world, know that we have a unique and critical role to play in making a difference in someone’s eyes… even one person changed by our presence and our love for them is worth it.
Some art works stay in the same room in the same gallery for years… other works are moved within galleries, and sometimes they are even transferred to other galleries… so, too, our sphere of influence is shaped by our Curator, our Creator God, so that our light may shine as He has planned it. Sometimes we find ourselves in dark, dusty corners… sometimes we are given more stature… but wherever we find ourselves, we can be sure that our role has been carefully mapped out and our positioning is making a difference to someone with whom we come into contact, even if we don’t realize it.
If each one of us is a Masterpiece in God’s eyes, regardless of how the world might respond to us… and if each one of us has already been assigned an amazing room in His final ‘gallery’, then what should our response be now? “Jesus replied, “‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Matthew 22:37-39 NLT
It all centres on love. Do you notice that the Masterpiece bit comes before the DO bit in the Ephesians reading? It’s not about how much we do, how much influence we have, which room we find ourselves in, how many spotlights are on us… it’s simply about loving our Creator because He first loved us… being satisfied that He loves us so much that He regards each of us uniquely as His masterpiece… and in turn sharing that love with those who happen to come into contact with us… regardless of where or whom that may be.
Be God’s Masterpiece today… you have a place and a purpose just where you are!
This was such a gorgeous and heartfelt read!