Tithing Report July 2020

Welcome to our monthly spending report. This is where you can see how this group has spent donated money with the goal of showcasing to the world the heart of Yeshua and God our Father.
To ensure we are aligning with the will of The Father, we have prayed over and there is a committee of 5 people (of which myself and Danielle are a part of) who have to confirm purchases. These saints hold us accountable to the will of God and to ensure that every dirham spent, is assigned wisely.

As many of you know or have yourselves received we are very active with giving out bibles to people who are yet to encounter the Word of God. The purchase for the next set of bibles was due and was purchased just before the formation of the committee, this was the only spend which was not recorded or prayed over.

The month of July brought what felt like a mountain of a challenge for the community, a band of over 150 homeless Pakistani men who were living in the streets of Karama. We had this mission confirmed to us by a dream given to Danielle, where we were handing out food to homeless people from the back of her car. Only a few hours after receiving this dream we were informed about the situation of these men. We thank every single person who stepped up to help these people, whether it was through prayer, finances, food or time. Through these actions we saw an answer to prayer, a move that resulted in all of these people being sent home within a time frame of 3 days, praise the Lord! Truly when we see Yes & Amen to God anything is possible.
We have attached some photos from the outreach missions to Karama.

Throughout the month of July, aside from the Karama project, the community has helped to feed at least 9 individuals. Whether it be through donations of groceries or provision of daily meals. Some of these are people who have been drastically effected by the Covid-19 pandemic and face not being able to eat.
One group of people in particular is led a by a lady known as Big Mama Maria, who houses four children who have no education, no passports and no idea for a way out of their situation. We had agreed to help pay for her AC bill as one of the children in her car is less than 1 year old.
Other people who have been fed include a man called Michael, who spent 4.5 months living in the streets of Dubai, before finding a job collecting the rubbish bins. He receives daily food as donated by the community. There is also Addy and his brother who was led to the community and they are both without employment or money.

We thank you all for your donations and support in reaching out and showing the heart of God towards His people.