Keep On Seeking

Seeking Jesus

I am outside

Location and weather are unknown. 

I only know, it is of no consequence. 

I am in a long line of people 

It seems endless. 

It stretches beyond and behind me

Past what my eyes can explore.

There is a voice 

It feels as if it is 5 people behind me

Or in front of me.

I can hardly hear it 

yet there’s clarity at its low volume. 

It says to step aside.

It doesn’t coax

It doesn’t waiver

Step aside.

Step aside.

This goes on for quite some time

I step aside. 

Those in front and those behind, stare.

I am frozen 

And filled with nowwhats.

I turn my gaze downward. 

I am told to move and look


The words are like a gentle caressing. 

The stares

from the line I left, continue 

as I move forward. 

The stares are inquisitive in nature 

I return them.

My eyes say I am without purpose 

Only need

Desire to know 


“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:13

By Elizabeth M