Nothing But The Blood

the blood of Jesus

“What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Oh, precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount’ I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!”
Robert Lowry

As Eloy and I sang this song during our morning time with the Father today, the words “what can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus” seemed to pierce my heart in a new way.

The Holy Spirit gave me a humbling and beautiful revelation. 
How often do we actually consider this idea of being washed clean and what it truly means?

I know for me personally, I’ve had a ‘head’ knowledge of the fact that I’ve been washed clean, and I’m almost certain that I cannot be the only person who has never really taken the time to contemplate or allow the Holy Spirit to hammer home the truth of being washed.

So let’s just take a minute and truly delve in to it. 

Have you ever really thought about the fact that Jesus’ blood washed away your sin?

I mean – have you ever really thought about that fact that it’s finished. It’s done. It’s gone. For good. It’s never coming back. Think about this analogy that the Holy Spirit gave to me: what happens when you wash your clothes that have a stain on them? They come out perfectly clean. Moreover, anyone who then sees the clothing item in the future would never have even known there was ever once a stain there. 

That’s what Jesus’ blood does for us. It washes us clean of every single sin to the point that when people see us, including Father God, they cannot even tell that there was sin once present in our lives. 

I’m actually going to try to challenge you a little further on this: Jesus’ blood not only removes the stain of every sin from our past, but it also removes the ability for sin to stain us…ever again. I’m not here trying to preach hyper grace so please don’t get it twisted, but I am here to teach the Good News. There is no place for a believer to consciously continue sinning once they have been cleansed, but the Word tells us that once we are cleansed we will remain clean.

Romans 6 and Hebrews 10 nail this down perfectly in their explanations of the finality of Jesus’ blood. These beautiful chapters teach us that Jesus’ blood removes the stain, sting, and effects of sin. Let’s look at this scripturally:

“…For the worshipers, having once [for all time] been cleansed, would no longer be conscious of sin.

(Hebrews 10:2)

“And in accordance with this will [of God] we have been sanctified [that is, set apart as holy for God and His purposes] through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once and for all.

(Hebrews 10:10)

“whereas Christ, having offered one sacrifice [the all sufficient sacrifice of Himself] for sins for all time, sat down [signifying the completion of atonement for sin] at the right hand of God…”

(Hebrews 10:12)

“For the death that He died, He died to sin [ending its power and paying the sinner’s debt] once and for all; and the life that He lives, He lives to [glorify] God [in unbroken fellowship with Him]. Even so, consider yourselves to be dead to sin [and your relationship to it broken], but alive to God [in unbroken fellowship with Him] in Christ Jesus.”

(Romans 6:10-11)

Re-read those verses and really allow them to sink in. Go on. I’ll wait.

Sin has been dealt with once and for all. The original Greek words used in Hebrew 10 and Romans 6 for ‘once’ literally mean once and for all, once for all, and all at once. That means that the one act of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross took care of the stain of sin for everyone (once for all), and it took care of the stain of since in that very moment (all at once). It does not mean that sometime in the future you can be set free from sin if you do X, Y, Z. Nor does it mean that you have to continually live a life conscious of your sin and feeling ashamed every time you slip up. No. It means that sin was taken care of in that very moment that Jesus bled for us. It means we are to believe we are dead to sin and to no longer live conscious of it. 

Lastly, lets consider the statement ‘once and for all’. The incredible power held in these four words can so easily be missed and skimmed over – but it shouldn’t be. These powerful four words are telling us that the stain of sin is removed totally, completely, in whole, forever (once and for all). In that one glorious moment that you accept Jesus as your personal Savior and are born-again, that one time action, you are cleansed of sin once and for all. You will never again live a life stained by sin. Your garments have been washed by the blood of Christ and you are now robed in righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).

Is that not truly the best news you have ever heard!

So then, when we consider the statement that Jesus’ blood washed away our sin, do we truly believe that it is a finished work? Or do we actually still live our lives believing we have to perform rituals and poetic displays before God because we are such wretched sinners who need cleansing from Him every day because we are so conscious of our sin? Do we really believe that our sin could be more powerful than the blood of Jesus? Do we really believe that anything we could do could separate us ever again from the Father after we have been reconciled through Christ?

“I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow – not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below – indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:38-39

Did you catch it? ‘…nothing in all creation…’ That mean’s that even we cannot separate ourselves from God’s love. I challenge you today to reckon yourselves dead to sin, to remove it from your consciousness as the Word tells you to do, and to instead consider yourself made righteous through the blood of our beautiful Savior, Jesus Christ. See how your walk with the Father changes, see how your daily victory abounds, see how the shackles of sin fall away when you truly accept the washing of your sin once and for all, through the blood of Jesus.