Category Archives: Danielle Rodriguez

Why Are People Not Consistently Healed?

I’ve been asked God to teach me more and specifically to give me wisdom to understand healing. I don’t mean to understand ‘how to heal people’ as so many Christians seem to pursue. I’ve been petitioning with God to help me understand why sometimes we pray, and we see people healed, and why sometimes we […]

When Stewarding Becomes A Lack Of Trust

Yesterday I found out that someone I have known for several years has cancer, Sarcoma to be specific. We don’t speak anymore but it is someone I knew well and held dear to me.  When I found out it was like someone had winded me and taken my breathe away. The person is slightly younger […]

Nothing But The Blood

the blood of Jesus

“What can wash away my sin?Nothing but the blood of Jesus;What can make me whole again?Nothing but the blood of JesusOh, precious is the flowThat makes me white as snow;No other fount’ I know,Nothing but the blood of Jesus!”Robert Lowry As Eloy and I sang this song during our morning time with the Father today, […]

What does it mean to Worship in Spirit and in Truth?

Jesus tells us in John 4: 23-24 that: “…the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him”. It’s been on my heart for a while; wondering why some days I feel more drawn to some worship songs than others, and why some […]

What does it mean to follow Jesus in these times of Covid-19 and how can we, as the Bride arise?

During my prayer watch today, I felt the Lord say, “what would Jesus do if He were walking the Earth today, in this season?” If we are the body of Christ, then we should be walking out the way He would be if He were physically here right now. So, if we look at the […]