Category Archives: Authors

You Are Worthy

Growing up in the Anglican tradition, and having served as Chapel Warden at Bedford School, with its Liturgical foundations and a chorus of 700 boys’ voices filling the stunning Bodleyan chapel, I remember fondly this beautiful Prayer of Humble Access, which we would pray before communion each week: We do not presume to come to […]

What The Enemy Meant for Evil God Turns For Good – Daniel 6

No matter what is going on around us, God can and will turn it for His glory. Our God being fully Holy, Righteous, Mercy, Grace, Love, well basically Perfect, will always turn things into good. God does not create evil. Evil is a by product of free will that He gave to humanity.Let us look […]

You Are a Masterpiece

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”‭‭‬‬ Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭NLT Whenever I read this verse, preach on it or hear about it from others, the focus tends to be on ‘DO the good things He planned […]

Nothing But The Blood

the blood of Jesus

“What can wash away my sin?Nothing but the blood of Jesus;What can make me whole again?Nothing but the blood of JesusOh, precious is the flowThat makes me white as snow;No other fount’ I know,Nothing but the blood of Jesus!”Robert Lowry As Eloy and I sang this song during our morning time with the Father today, […]

The Purpose Of Life

During a time of intercessory prayer I was overwhelmed with the urge to write, these are the words I was moved to write by The Spirit Purpose Of Life People are always searching for something. Before we find God or if we are without God, we are always searching for something. We are continually left […]

A Word On The Trinity

In todays post we are sharing a word from a dear friend who is a priest within the Roman Catholic Church. He is a very devout man of God and has dedicated his life to the service of God. As part of his walk with The Lord he shares a beautiful word on the trinity […]