Rick Warren

Rick Warren is an American pastor who, as founder of Saddleback Church and as the author of The Purpose-Driven Life (2002), became one of the most influential Evangelical Christians in the United States. Rick donates 90% of his royalties to the church for missionary work.

We have been personally blessed by Rick’s book, The purpose driven life. We read this 40-day devotional when we were first born again and it set the course of understanding our walk with God our Father and our role in His kingdom. We believe it will also take you on a journey to help you understand your purpose and role in God’s Kingdom.


Bob Goff

Bob Goff calls himself a “recovering lawyer” after practicing law for 25 years. Bob went on to become the Hon. Consul to Uganda. He gave up his law firm to pursue writing and speaking full time and digs deep into the love of God.

We have been personally blessed by Bob’s witty humor and intimate love relationship he conveys with the Father in his book, Love does. This book is a light hearted revelational book on how Jesus taught us to love and the applications of what that could look like in today’s world.


Judah Smith

If pastors could ‘trend’, then #JudahSmith would probably be at the top of the list right now. His preaching is passionate, funny and has the pulse of the culture. Judah bring his wit and relatable realness to his bestselling book Jesus Is____ .

For us, reading Jesus Is____ allowed us to get raw with Jesus and stripped back our often times faulty thinking. Judah Smith takes the reader on a lighthearted journey into discovering the true nature of Jesus.


Joyce Meyer

Jocye Meyer – A charismatic Christian speaker and author, Meyer went through a great deal of turmoil in her early life as a victim of sexual abuse, but rose from them all to build one of the world’s largest Christian ministries in the world. Her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration in Jesus Christ and her programme commits at redeeming the words of Jesus Christ by helping people inculcate them in their life.

She serves as a practical Bible teacher, sharing her experiences and testimony and her life-changing message from God. In her book, Beauty for ashes, Joyce shares her personal testimony of how God walked her from a life of ashes into a life of beauty. The author encourages readers to seek God for their emotional and spiritual healing and discusses biblically how God can use all things for His glory.


Joseph Prince

Joseph Prince is the Senior Pastor of New Creation Church (NCC) based in Singapore. An author, renowned teacher of the bible, televangelist and a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of grace around the world.

Destined to reign, one of his all-time best-selling books, opened our eyes to the Grace revolution. Joseph carefully navigates the realities of Grace amidst the hypergrace gospel often preached. The author provides a revelational understanding of the authority of the finished work of the cross.


C S LEwis

Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. He was a Fellow and Tutor in English Literature at Oxford University until 1954, when he was unanimously elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. He wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract thousands of new readers every year. His most distinguished and popular accomplishments include Out of the Silent Planet, The Great Divorce, The Screwtape Letters, and the universally acknowledged classics The Chronicles of Narnia. To date, the Narnia books have sold over 100 million copies and have been transformed into three major motion pictures.

C.S. Lewis….. His books are….. extra


Nabeel Qureshi

Nabeel Asif Qureshi ( April 13, 1983 – September 16, 2017) was an American Christian and convert from the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. He was a speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) from 2013 until 2016 and the author of three books, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity (Zondervan, February 2014), Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward (Zondervan, March 2016), and No God But One—Allah or Jesus (Zondervan, August 2016).

If you have a desire to keep deeper into history or understanding more about our Islamic brothers and sisters reading his books will help you get a deeper understanding on knowledge of the history behind modern day Christianity and Islam.


Brian & Candice Simmons

Dr. Brian & Candice Simmons, together with their three children, spent nearly eight years in the tropical rain forest of the Darien Province of Panama. During their time there Brian served as a church planter, translator, and consultant. Brian was involved in the Paya-Kuna New Testament translation project and studied linguistics and Bible translation principles with New Tribes Mission. He is now the lead translator for The Passion Translation. Both Brian and Candice travel full time speaking, teaching, and helping churches and leaders grow in Christ. They make their home in Wichita, Kansas.

What is there to say about their writing? If you want to fall in love with the God that sent his Son to be crucified on the cross then go through their readings! Their translation of the bible is a piece of theological magic that helps connect Old and New Testament – this connection will bring you to a place that the first apostles, knew and lived.


Timothy Keller

Timothy Keller was born and raised in Pennsylvania and educated at Bucknell University, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary. His first pastorate was in Hopewell, Virginia. In 1989 he started Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City with his wife, Kathy, and their three sons. Today, Redeemer has nearly six thousand regular Sunday attendees and has helped to start more than three hundred new churches around the world. He is the author of The Songs of JesusPrayerEncounters with JesusWalking with God Through Pain and Suffering, and Every Good Endeavor, among others, including the perennial bestsellers The Reason for God and The Prodigal God.



Derek Prince

Derek Prince (1915–2003) was born in Bangalore, India, into a British military family. He was educated as a scholar of classical languages at Eton College and Cambridge University in England and later at Hebrew University, Israel. As a student, he was a philosopher and self-proclaimed agnostic.
While in the British Medical Corps during World War II, Prince began to study the Bible as a philosophical work. Converted through a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ, he was baptized in the Holy Spirit a few days later. This life-changing experience altered the whole course of his life, which he thereafter devoted to studying and teaching the Bible as the Word of God.
Internationally recognized as a Bible scholar and spiritual patriarch, Derek Prince taught and ministered on six continents for more than sixty years. Until a few years before his death at the age of 88, he traveled the world, imparting God’s revealed truth, praying for the sick and afflicted, and sharing his prophetic insights into world events in the light of Scripture. He is the author of over eighty books, six hundred audio teachings, and one hundred video teachings, many of which have been translated and published in more than one hundred languages. He pioneered teaching on such groundbreaking themes as generational curses, the biblical significance of Israel, and demonology.

Derek Prince is one of those authors that will change your spiritual life. He will guide you through the scriptures and help you find the way towards Jesus and God. One of the best things about reading his works is his heavy reference to the bible and the deep study of the original, Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic texts. His book Secrets of a Prayer Warrior will challenge you and help up skill you in your prayer life and devotion to God.


David Pawson

David Pawson occupies a key position among British Christian writers. His best known work, Unlocking the Bible, continues to be a worldwide bestseller in print, audio and video formats. Unlocking the Bible and other works such as The Normal Christian Birth have been called Pawson’s legacy to the church. Pawson is known for accepting biblical text as the authoritative word of God while explaining its meaning and context in a practical and understandable language. Because he follows the teaching of Scripture where it clashes with church tradition, his books are often controversial. Today David speaks around the world and is received on God TV by millions of viewers in almost every country. Born in 1930, David, determined to become a farmer, began his career with a B.Sc. in agriculture at Durham University in England. He was surprised when God intervened and led him to become a Christian minister. Studying for an advanced degree in theology at Cambridge University, under the influence of liberal educators, Pawson lost his trust in the Bible and very nearly his faith in God. After a short spell in ministry for the Methodist church, he regained his trust in the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible while a chaplain in the Royal Air Force of Great Britain. During this period he decided to preach the Bible systematically from start to finish. The results among the servicemen surprised both him and them, and confirmed to him Scripture’s inspiration. Since then, his preaching has either been Bible study or topical studies based on a detailed, contextual examination of what the Bible says. As pastor of Guildford Baptist Church (the Millmead Centre), Pawson established a reputation among both evangelicals and charismatics as an effective and balanced expositor of the Bible. Under Pawson s ministry, Millmead became the largest Baptist church in Britain. In the last forty years literally millions of David’s messages on cassette tape (CD, DVD and MP3 today) have been distributed around the world. He is a frequent speaker in the UK and throughout Europe; his speaking engagements have taken him to many parts of the world, including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, The Netherlands, Israel, Southeast Asia and the United States. David Pawson lives near Basingstoke, Hampshire in southern England with his wife Enid.

Unlocking The Bible, what is there to say about this book apart from in our opinion it is an invaluable tool in the arsenal towards all Christians who are wanting to go deeper into scripture. Reading his works will help you to connect to the word of God from understanding the context and time period the works were written in. The Normal Christian birth creates a clear biblically aligned definitive guide as to what it means to accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour.


A W Tozer

Aiden Wilson Tozer (April 21, 1897 – May 12, 1963) was an American Christian pastor, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor. For his accomplishments, he received honorary doctorates from Wheaton and Houghton Colleges.

Reading the works of AW Tozer will do only thing to you – and that is bring closer to being a God fearing person. He helps you connect with the immense concept of who God is.
